Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunshine Lollipops & Rainbows

Reasons to Smile #4
1. Permit
3. Bike rides
4. Lounging
5. Blueberry Cobbler
6. Friend time"

On the last day of school, which was reassuringly short and sweet, a group of us went to the park. You can't just finish a year of school without celebrating! Especially if it was surviving freshman year AND Hummel. We played Four-Square, Egyptian Ratscrew, androde bikes! Later on, Mad.I.Moody and Yoonicorn came over for the night. We took a journey downtown and then began the first day of summer with lunch at the Sushi House! As of that day, Thursday, I am officially a legal driver!

Madi & I took a romantic bicycle ride

POTO's Last Day of School Picture

Day two of my summer was spent lazing around until I journeyed over to Mari's to make cookies! We also attempted to catch salamanders in the pond, but our catching-device didn't work out so well. We watched a movie at the Yates' theater, and went swimming in Puget Sound the next morning. You probably think we're crazy but truth is, we are! It was frigid. But we
succeeded! And also successfully caught a baby jelly fish! Following, we rode in a tractor bucket! It was fun until we were driven into a ditch... :) Saturday evening, a few of us girls went to Juli's dance recital! The little dinky kids were so adorable and Juli's group's dances were great & really fun to watch!

Chillin' in
a tractor

Captain & I had
some quality time
Daisies smell nasty but they're so pretty

Sunday was boring. Monday began the summer gymnastics schedule. So tiring, but fun and a lot more hours! Madi, Juli, Corey, Katie, Hannah, and I met at Ha-Yoon's to play Just
Dance! That was entertaining. :) I went home with Juli and then she drove for a while. It was only scary when she flew around a corner once or twice. Hahaha. Gobbled up our blizzards and then set out for a thrilling bike ride! Never pedaled so fast in my life. Ahhh scary.

Coraline & Maddawg

Just Dance

Me and the Frog took the bikes for a spin

And today. Thus begun our boring, long, early Driver's Ed classes. Great..
Well, it's been a great start to summer! Hope it keeps up & doesn't get too boring.

"Daisies are like sunshine to the ground." -Drew Barrymore

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town :)

Reasons To Smile #2
1. Winter Break
2. Candy canes
3. Laya Pharton
4. Decorating the Christmas tree
5. Choir concerts
6. Bowling
7. More gymnastics than sleep in 24 hours

(I have yet to figure out how to format the pictures correctly, so please excuse this hideous format.)

Christmas is 4 days away and I am excited! Finally a break! Winter Break is going to be so much fun. Minus the crapload of reading and annotating we have to do...

The choir concert Thursday night was lots of fun :) During one of our songs, I look down, and Matt is petting Ian's hair. Hard to keep my cool after that, but I managed. Juli and I totally lost it during intermission though. :)
School was good Friday-- Last day of school for 2010! No work, ate candy canes, watched movies/youtubes, and colored! Fun stuff. I went to Lina's after school. Decorated the Christmas tree with my mama later that day :) Saturday was boring until Lina's birthday. I absolutely suck at bowling. I'm terrible. Oh well, it's fun. My new favorite game is Curses. It sure is a laugh-out-loud game :) My mom and I spent Sunday with our family friends, Cortney and Karen. I love them :)

In the last 24 hours, I've done gymnastics longer than I've slept. Hey, I don't mind, I'm just exhausted. I seriously need to start annotating TKAM... Skating With The Stars is too interesting to do that right now though. Haha. I'm really really really excited for tomorrow!

B2t3w3I1l4t3n3l4p7. ♥

Also, I am going to die from obesity thanks to pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. And that brings to mind how I have the song that I want played at my funeral picked out already. It's called If I Die Young by The Band Perry, if you were wondering. Please make sure that is played at my funeral please.

“Live well, Love much, Laugh often.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hello Blog World

Reasons To Smile #1
1. Good grades
2. Folk dancing
3. ACT Days
4. Christmas countdowns
5. New blog
6. Three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree
7. Mini cinnamon rolls

Everyone is in happy spirits, 2 more days of school, talk of Christmas shopping, snow, and starting a blog. Today was good.

To begin, I suck at blogging. So don't get your hopes up. In fact, you might just waste [x] minutes of your day reading this. My resolution, along with my friends', is to keep up a blog f

or a whole year. This will be a tough one for me (unlike my on-going "no McDonalds" resolution). I'll be very proud

if I actually stick with it.

Anyways, on to my day. Well, week, since there isn't all that much to talk about from today. Saturday, the day I'd been hoping to be able to sleep in, I was up bright and early for gymnastics. With the YMP Reunion to follow, I was amped. :) I had missed that family so much! Yesterday. Another odd, interesting, and hilarious conversation during PACK Time. Bertie brought folk dancing BACK! I hated it back then, but it's actually really amusing and fun. :) Came home to my doggies running up the street and finding no fence on one side of our yard. Stupid wind. Today: I love ACT Days so much. And how close and handy Lina's house is. And POTO. Anddd Inception, even though I didn't get to finish watching it :( Anywho, I tend to make a lot of Lina/Kyle jokes, but that is no longer the case thanks to Davis and Ha. Ha-Yoon, that was brave. And brilliant!

I hope to keep this up. Correction: I hope to keep this up consistently.

Hope everyone had a great day.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

"If life gives you lemons, throw them at someone."